Julia and Cousin Nick out in the snow.Nick was showing Julia how to snowboard and immediately fell upside down so Julia had to rescue him.Thank goodness his cousin was there to save the day or he may have been coyote food.
A quick family photo at Lance's Graduation ceremony in Newport, Rhode Island. Lance was nominated for Honor Graduate and the Physical Fitness Excellence Award. Although he did not win, it was an honor for him to be nominated.
A quick photo while we were on the USS CONSTITUTION. Currently over in Rhode Island going to school and we took a trip up to get a tour of the USS CONSTITUTION. Wish it was all together for some better photos. It is in the final stages of a 3 year overhaul and all the yard arms have been removed. Either way, it was neat to see parts of the ship that the public doesn't get to see.
One of the photos from the Newport International Boat Show. Found several boats that I would buy if I win the lottery. I think the best part of the boat show was the Brokerage Boat Show that was next door. Basically it was a bunch of open houses on boats that are for sale. The people in this area have way too many boats. It took almost 6 hours to wander around and see all of them.
This year's 4th f July was great. Got to spend it with family in Bellingham. There is nothing like painted flowers, good food ad great family to spend any holiday with. Thanks everyone for making it a great trip.
Great diving trip today with my brother Jason and his friends Matthew and Jake. Alot of firsts for me today. First time in cold water. First time in a dry suit. First time harvesting scallops. First time getting rock scallops. First time I had my photo taken underwater. Best of all, first time diving with my brother.
"My baby brother!"
The Pirate.
and. . .
His Booty! AAARRRGGGG!!!
Thanks to Jason, Matthew and Jacob for a great day of diving. Even though I have a circle on my chest from the dry suit valve.